
We offer many services for home owners.

Creating a sound financial plan, setting and achieving financial goals and making wise consumer decisions all start the process for sustainable home ownership.

Our home advisors will work with each customer to develop a personalized action plan. They will help to examine finances, determine goals, establish individualized savings programs and address any credit issues.

Financial education and good home maintenance are important to individuals as well as neighborhoods and communities. Our advisors will provide the tools needed for individuals and families to establish their goals and achieve financial stability. **Free to those applying for a Home Rehabilitation Grant or Loan or are receiving Foreclosure Counseling**

The HomeOwnershipCenter offers a nationally accredited education class. As a member of the NeighborWorks Network, the HomeOwnershipCenter has certified Financial Educators to present comprehensive information on financial fitness and home maintenance issues. The nationally acclaimed training manual, Keeping the American Dream, was carefully designed and tested to best serve the needs of homebuyers.

The class is designed to educate consumers in matters of money management, which includes basic budgeting and understanding of how to use credit wisely.

Online Classes Now Available!

Falling behind on payments can happen for a number of reasons. However, it is important to protect your home! Help is available, don’t wait until it’s too late.
Our Home Advisors work with the customer and lender to explore all possible options for staying in the home.

Appointments will be scheduled after your Compass account is created and completed.

Made up of a 4-hour Financial Education class and a 1-hour Financial Coaching session, Homeownership Counseling is a product utilized by the lender you are currently working with to receive a home equity loan.

Keeping up with necessary home maintenance projects can be a difficult task, as we mention in our Home Buyer Education Course. However, with the revolving grant funding that is available, we may be able to assist you with your interior or exterior home rehabilitation needs.

Due to the high volume of interested home owners, a waiting list has been created. Please click the button below to answer a few questions and to be placed on the list.

Success Story

There are no words to describe our deepest gratitude to the Homeownership staff. For a moment we thought we were being played but since no money was ask[ed] upfront we had nothing to lose but to follow the process because let’s be honest who gives money away for nothing in return but to stay in the area which we completely love it. There are still repairs to be done in the inside of the property but nothing major that does not comply with the city codes/safety. My family and I can now enjoy the house comfortable with no concern for lead, asbestos or anything that can be a hazard for the kids and futures families who will like to rent our units. I just hope that more people can benefit from all the hard work that homeownership offers.

-Our warm regards and thank for all your help and support!!!

-Angel Ramirez
Utica, NY

Before & After

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